Dhia al-Hashimi - translated by AMSI Press Department.
Wednesday, 03 October 2007Within the tension in the Arabian Gulf prior to the failure of the US occupation to reach its aims starting from Iraq and having a big casualties and lose in equipments caused by heroes of the Iraqi resistance. It seems that the American Administration started to work on the plan "B" in the region.
America thinks that by this alternative plan it could reach to its aim… The mean pivot in this plan is Iran…It is more preferable to US to support big role to the Iranian regime in order to perform things which America couldn’t do along the passed four years.
US and Iran are considered the same face of a currency... "Islamic Republic" didn’t have any difficulties to declare in many occasions that the US forces could not occupy Iraq or Afghanistan in the absence of Iran.
This words are 100% true... Because the Iranian regime is considered as the policeman of the region to protect the American and Israeli benefits, Iran is also the stick of American Administration to intimidate the Arab leaders in the region in order to keep them away to turn over against the exhausted "Lord of the world"!!!.
A stage of American plan is threatening the Arab countries in particular the Gulf by the Persian extension in the region to be capable to destroy any state … as Hussein Shariatmadari who is the head editor of "Kayhan" newspapers says: "the Iranian is despising the latest American "cartoon" to Tehran." He expresses that in case of war to be started it will not remain in Iran only, many Arab regimes will fell down. In particular Iran has an old cupidity in the region trying to realize it even on account of her nuclear program. This assures the truthful of our words that America will go on to the Plan "B" through pushing Iran to occupy the region after the comedy American attacks to the territory of Iran !! Yes, if USA attacks to Iran, the reason will be to set the rage fire among the Shiites in the Gulf States. It is only an awful mission without thinking negative results of it. The strikes will be artificial on Iran and it will not damage her as it had done in Iraq.
Prior to the American strike an Kurdish – Arab armed conflict will be set out for the City of Kirkuk, which will be turned to war that Iran and Turkey will participated in. The aim is not controlling Kirkuk City as somebody thinks; but it is a part of the plan that we are talking about. The recent declaration of Ammar Al-Hakim about their objection to divide Iraq is only a mediatic disinformation and "avoidance". They only want to keep out of the responsibilities that will borne upon the condition of Iraq after the Arabs and Kurds conflict.
Because the world is following the Iraqi event and what will be prepared behind the backstage will easily be seen such as cooking the new "food" for Iraq... Before a couple of days a new map of Iraq were discovered in the map. Iraq is divided into three regions, and they are not the places of everyday talk. It is a different Iraq than we used to… The map shows a Kurdish independent state situated in the North and northeast of Iraq… i.e the places were where they had controlled while the occupation was and which is called "the securitized place". The map also shows that the City of Kirkuk will remain out of Kurdish control... The remainder of the Iraqi territory – mid, South and northwest – will turned to be called Iraqi Federation between Shiites and Sunni’s. Baghdad will be the midpoint neither Shiites nor Sunnis; it is neutral. The capital city will be Samarra instead of Baghdad according to the plan… The current government will agree for the requests of "reconciliation front" as the Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki used to call, because it doesn’t represent all Sunnis.
With these new dangerous plans there are no other choices in front of the Arab countries unless otherwise working hard to oppose these plans through unification, strengthen and spending all materially and spiritually possibilities to support the Iraqi resistance. Because the resistance is the only foundation that has stood in front of both the American and the Iranian occupations. We believe in Allah (swt) that He will assist us, He is the conqueror; however we should plan our path according to the effects of the enemy plans. The resistance is resistance so the Arabs must be aware… Otherwise everything will go up side down.
Written by Dhia al-Hashimi and translated by AMSI Press Department. © 2007
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