Sunday, September 23, 2007

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Ibn Duraid

IBN DURAID [Abu Bakr Mahommed ibn ul-Hasan ibn Duraid ul-Azdi] (837-934), Arabian poet and philologist, was born at Basra of south Arabian stock. At his native place he was trained under various teachers, but fled in 871 to Oman at the time Basra was attacked by the negroes, known as the Zanj, under Muhallabi. After living twelve years in Oman he went to Persia, and, under the protection of the governor, `Abdallah ibn Mahommed ibn Mikal, and his son, Ismail, wrote his chief works. In 920 he went to Bagdad, where he received a pension from the caliph Moqtadir.

The Magsura, a poem in praise of Ibn Mikal and his son, has been edited by A. Haitsma (1773) E. Scheidius (1786) and N. Boyesen (1828). Various commentaries on the poem exist in MS. (cf. C. Brockelmann, Gesch. der ar. Lit., i. 211 ff., Weimar, 1898). The Jamhara fi-1-Lugha is a large dictionary written in Persian but not printed. Another work is the Kitab ul-Ishtigaq (" Book of Etymology"), edited by F. Wiistenfeld (Gottingen, 1854); it was written in opposition to the anti-Arabian party to show the etymological connexion of the Arabian tribal names. (G. W. T.)

Belly dancing skills stay sharp

Jane Copeland teaches four levels of Oriental Dance, also known as Raks-as-Sharqi in Arabic and belly dance in Western countries.

Its movements are thousands of years old and based on traditional folk dance. Although Copeland has been teaching for more than 34 years, her enthusiasm still spills over to her students.

Belly dancing, she says, helps women become more aware and accepting of their bodies, and builds confidence that translates to other areas of life.

Staff Photographer

Zarifa (Jane Copeland) has been a belly dancer and teacher for over 34 years. She teaches 4 levels of Orental Dance (Raks-as-Sharqi in Arabic) that is called belly dance in the United States and other western countries.

Video: Jane Copeland dances