Thursday, January 24, 2008

Aspects of learning int eh present and the past

Definition of learning :

Learning refers to an intensive activity that increases the capacity and willingness of individuals, groups, organizations, and communities, to acquire and productively apply new knowledge and skills, to grow and mature, and to adapt successfully to changes and challenges. It has several forms and aspects that change from one time to anther.

Variation in aspects of learning:

Aspects of learning have changed progressively from a very ancient structure to a modern form to serve learners in an easy and efficient way. It is a continuous emergence to the archaeological inscriptions and drawings, figures and images that is used by people in the past that can be considered as means of education aimed to deliver messages to another recipient that is compatible with his learning abilities at that period of time. Afterward, people learn through self-education and stimulation. There are many movies and series that dramatize the way people used to learn. What we observe is a small mosque with dozens of small boys. The Imam is the only teacher whose main concern is to deliver the right message to his students, and increase their knowledge abilities and potentials. The material he uses is exclusive to the holly Quran teachings and some of the Arabic language.

Aspects of learning in the Quran :

The words of God carry significant indications of learning aspects. These words come out to existence either through the prophet words or in God's books. Some of the hints are transmitted in Quran:

And We ordained laws for him in the tablets in all matters, both commanding and explaining all things, (and said): "Take and hold these with firmness, and enjoin thy people to hold fast by the best in the precepts: soon shall I show you the homes of the wicked,- (How they lie desolate). (Al A'raf, 7.145) [1]

24. Seest thou not how Allah sets forth a parable? - A goodly word like a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches (reach) to the heavens,- of its Lord. So Allah sets forth parables for men, in order that they may receive admonition.

25. It brings forth its fruit at all times, by the leave of its Lord. So Allah sets forth parables for men, in order that they may receive admonition.

26. And the parable of an evil Word is that of an evil tree: It is torn up by the root from the surface of the earth: it has no stability. (Ibrahim, 14.24,25,26) [2]

In Christianity, The monks learn from Christ the sole of his teachings. In their teaching process, they depend on a live environment using methods that transfer learning into a discovery. They used to form alphabets from bones and give them to children to play and learn spelling.

Later than that, with the modern renaissance in Europe and the French revolution, which the Islamic in heritage is one of its improvement features, the aspect of learning takes a new approach due to the appearance of the printing machine. This discovery gives birth to a large number of books with thousands of copies.

Moreover, in 1905, appears what is called "museums schools". These schools serve learning a lot through offering mobile conferences, photographs, slides, films, drawings, paintings… From 1941 to 1945, the World War II consists of new aspects of learning through the growth of the audio-visual tools that has military and industrial uses. Moreover, through the fax invention and the radio technology, learning adopts new aspects. Throughout Radio and Television, people become more connected to each other than before. Also, in the forties of the twentieth century, there is the creation of the computer technology which encloses the main role of the evolution of learning and human knowledge, which is the best reliable aspect of learning in the world. Furthermore, In 1980, Technology products accelerates a lot to an extent that some of it passes the light speed. This technology is used in the video and interactive multimedia system. Finally, in 1990, Internet achieved The Extreme Growth among learners in the globe. It grows rapidly and excessively in the United States as well as in other countries. Therefore, Internet provides learners many educational means and different aspects by which individual can have success to education: wherever, whenever, and whatever domain he likes.

On the basis of what I have talked about above, Man's aspects of learning are very old and variable to the place and time. I can divide these aspects into four steps:

1- Visual means: they are called by that name for the reason that they relay on sight as the principal source of education. Man sees reality fulfilled his environment, he realizes that and understand his realization through direct sensory expressions.

2- Audio-Visual: This is to confirm that it uses more than one sense property in the educational process such as sight and hearing. Cinema helps with that a lot through providing knowledge by animated pictures and its sound effects.

3- Information technology (IT) schools: Such schools are used to serve theoretical and practical methods in the context of the educational process. The function of this schools is to give access to new aspects of learning and education.

4- Technology of learning and education: It is a common concept that people link technology learning with the new modern innovation, electronic machines, and computers. It is the a consequence of the industrial revolution. Unlike education, people should use all use all these things for his benefit to achieve better goals in this field.

Within the framework above, we can say that the new aspects of learning can be used in a great deal to help students deal with their educative program. We, thanks to Technology availability, are capable to speak about Sparknotes[3]or Bookmooch[4]. But, still, old aspects of learning give us very important intellects in deferent specialties and fields


Alsharaf, Hisham ;Fajr network; Attaalim bayna lmadi wa lhader "Learning between the present and the past"; accessed 17/01/2008

[1] The Holly Quran. Al A'raf, 145 Trans. Yusuf Ali. Riyadh: Darussalam, 2001

[2] Ibid, Ibrahim,.24,26

[3] Study guides and discussion forums offered on various academic subjects. Literature section includes brief analyses of characters, themes and plots.

[4] Every time you give someone a book, you earn a point and can get any book you want from anyone else at

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