Saturday, September 22, 2007

Arabs slam West's double standards

Arabs slam West's double standards
Sat, 22 Sep 2007 19:02:24
Source: Xinhua
The representatives of Arab nations at the IAEA conference have criticized western countries' double standard approach to the NPT.

Delegates of Arab countries, including Egypt, Syria and Iraq, said the televised remarks by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in which he admitted that Israel possessed nuclear weapons, have had a negative impact on peace, security and stability in the Middle East.

Israel's nuclear activities have gone beyond the control of the UN atomic watchdog and undermined the non-proliferation regime, they said.

Some countries have provided a political shield for Israel by applying a double standard to the issues of regional security and nuclear non-proliferation, said the Arab delegates.

The conference failed to pass a resolution on Israel's nuclear weapons program due to opposition from the United States and other western countries.


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