Image by Getty Images via DaylifeOn Being Stoned: "On Being Stoned
A Psychological Study of Marijuana Intoxication
Charles T. Tart, Ph. D."
Thursday, October 16, 2008
On Being Stoned
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7:38 PM
Labels: Cannabis, Drugs, Health, Illegal, Pro-Legalization, Recreation, Specific Substances
On Being Stoned
On Being Stoned: "On Being Stoned ©1971 by Science and Behavior Books
Published by Science and Behavior Books, Palo Alto, California
ISBN 0-8314-0027-7
On Being Stoned appears in The Psychedelic Library by permission of the Author"
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7:36 PM
Sunday, October 12, 2008
What Every American Should Know About the Middle East
By Daniel Miessler on March 30th, 2008: Tagged as America | Civilization | Education | Politics
Most in the United States don’t know much about the Middle East or the people that live there. This lack of knowledge hurts our ability to understand world events and, consequently, our ability to hold intelligent opinions about those events.
For example, frighteningly few know the difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims, and most think the words “Arab” and “Muslim” are pretty much interchangeable. They aren’t. So here’s a very brief primer aimed at raising the level of knowledge about the region to an absolute minimum.
Arabs are part of an ethnic group, not a religion. Arabs were around long before Islam, and there have been (and still are) Arab Christians and Arab Jews. In general, you’re an Arab if you 1) are of Arab descent (blood), or 2) speak the main Arab language (Arabic).
Not all Arabs are Muslim. There are significant populations of Arab Christians throughout the world, including in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Northern Africa and Palestine/Israel.
Islam is a religion. A Muslim (roughly pronounced MOOSE-lihm) is someone who follows the religion. So you wouldn’t say someone follows Muslim or is an Islam, just as you wouldn’t say someone follows Christian or is a Christianity.
Shia Muslims are similar to Roman Catholics in Christianity. They have a strong clerical presence via Imams and promote the idea of going through them to practice the religion correctly. Sunni Muslims are more like Protestant Christians. They don’t really focus on Imams and believe in maintaining a more direct line to God than the Shia.
People from Iran are also known as Persians, and they are not Arabs.
Arabs are Semites. We’ve all heard the term anti-Semitism being used — often to describe Arabs. While antisemitism does specifically indicate hatred for Jews, the word “Semite” comes from the Bible and referred originally to anyone who spoke one of the Semitic Languages.
According to the Bible, Jews and Arabs are related [Genesis 25]. Jews descended from Abraham’s son Isaac, and Arabs descended from Abraham’s son Ishmael. So not only are both groups Semitic, but they’re also family.
Sunni Muslims make up most of the Muslim world (roughly 90%). 1
The country with the world’s largest Muslim population is Indonesia. 2
The rift between the Shia and Sunni started right after Muhammad’s death and originally reduced to a power struggle regarding who was going to become the authoritative group for continuing the faith.
The Shia believed Muhammad’s second cousin Ali should have taken over (the family/cleric model). The Sunni believed that the best person for the job should be chosen by the followers (the merit model) and that’s how the first Caliph, Abu Bakr, was appointed.
Although the conflict began as a political struggle it now mostly considered a religious and class conflict, with political conflict emanating from those rifts.
Sunni vs. Shia | Arab vs. Non-Arab
Here’s how the various Middle Eastern countries break down in terms of Sunni vs. Shia and whether or not they are predominantly Arab. Keep in mind that these are generalizations; significant diversity exists in many of the countries listed.
Iraq Mostly Shia (roughly 60%), but under Saddam the Shia were oppressed and the Sunni were in power despite being only 20% of the population. Arab.
Iran Shia. NOT Arab.
Palestine Sunni. Arab.
Egypt Sunni. Arab.
Saudi Arabia Sunni. Arab.
Syria Sunni. Arab.
Jordan Sunni. Arab.
Gulf States Sunni. Arab.
What’s depressing is the fact that this only took me 30 minutes to write, and you 2 minutes to read. Yet most people in the United States, including those in the media, the house of representatives, and probably even the Pentagon, lack even this cursory level of knowledge about the region.:
1The CIA World Fact Book | Field Listing - Religions
2The CIA World Fact Book | Field Listing - Indonesia
"What Every American Should Know About the Middle East |" 12 Oct. 2008
Posted by
10:27 AM
Labels: Arab, Islam, Middle East, Middle Eastern, North Africa, Roman Catholic Church, United States